Spiral energy is fueled by willpower and determination. However, the Anti-Spiral will show mercy to those who surrender. It will also install an Extermination Systems around the home planet of those who surrender, which will destroy all Spiral life should their numbers become too great. It is then up to the Spiral warrior who surrendered to maintain the Spiral's numbers.
Upon doing some research, I discovered this trend began in power scaling communities. Power scaling focuses on shows with more tangible power systems, with goofier anime series usually being ignored. However, most newer, and more serious anime don't really have anyone that powerful to compare to characters such as Son Goku at the moment.
Because Anti-Spiral is
such a not-so-serious and even goofy villain, it just became a funny enough
concept that people have started turning it into a modern meme. Others say it’s
trendy now because due to a lack of relevant new characters.
My Thoughts: Now that
we have this documented, I do wonder how long this trend will go on for. I have
been seeing this everywhere since the documented date, December 2024. I guess literally
anything can turn into a meme these days. :/